Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Don Peppers, March 10 Monday - TRANSCRIPT

[12:09] Cybergrrl Oh: I'm Cybergrrl Oh aka Aliza Sherman - SL personality and events host. Owner of Athena Isle. Multitasker.
[12:10] AaronHunt Xerox: I'm Aaron, marketing manager at Xerox, focused on mid sized businesses
[12:11] Andy Evans: I am Andy Evans, CEO of First Opinions Panel, the largest consumer research panel here with about 10,000 members.
[12:11] DonP Pelous: O KKKKK - I'm Don, co-author of this book
[12:12] Cybergrrl Oh: Big book - behind you all
[12:12] Joycie Hiller: I am a Strategic Business Futurist in my first life.
[12:12] Alycia Freenote: Alycia Freenote a.k.a. Alyica de Mesa branding consultant, writer and author of Brand Avatar.
[12:15] Natalina DeVinna: stay at home Mom
[12:15] DonP Pelous: how many kids?
[12:15] Natalina DeVinna: spend in SL all my spare time...
[12:15] Cybergrrl Oh: don't we all! and then some
[12:15] DonP Pelous: Our last of five just went off to boarding school
[12:15] DonP Pelous: so we are now empty nesters
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: mine is 20 months
[12:16] Alycia Freenote: lucky you Don ; )
[12:16] DonP Pelous: that is a GREAT age!
[12:16] Natalina DeVinna: I may represent SL magazine "Live" if I find this meeting interesting to write about in the magazine
[12:16] Natalina DeVinna: one son 4yrs
[12:16] DonP Pelous: right. lots of college still to pay for
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: well, Don is under pressure!
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: OK - Don, I turn things over to you with ONE RULE for our attendees
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: RULE: Type QUESTION in front of your question so Don and I can see it.
[12:17] Cybergrrl Oh: Otherwise, this is a roundtable so comment at will.
[12:17] DonP Pelous: There are three "rules to break"
[12:17] Cybergrrl Oh: Go Don go!
[12:17] DonP Pelous: First, is that current earnings at a company should be the primary goal
[12:17] DonP Pelous: Too many firms ONLY see current earnings
[12:17] DonP Pelous: and don't think about long-term value
[12:18] DonP Pelous: But second, is that with good marketing you can always get more customers
[12:18] DonP Pelous: because you can't
[12:18] DonP Pelous: customers, in fact, are scarcer than money
[12:19] DonP Pelous: final "rule to break" is that value is created with differentiated products
[12:19] DonP Pelous: also false
[12:19] DonP Pelous: only customers create value, really

[12:19] DonP Pelous: sorry about the typing, my wife's computer
[12:19] DonP Pelous: missing an L key!
[12:19] Cybergrrl Oh: missing an L key?
[12:20] Gina Glimmer giggles
[12:20] Gina Glimmer: the L key
[12:20] DonP Pelous: just a little stub, no tab
[12:20] DonP Pelous: so trying to avoid those L words!
[12:20] Cybergrrl Oh: So what you are saying flies in the face of what many of us have known to be true
[12:20] Cybergrrl Oh: but I totally agree about customers create the value
[12:20] Joycie Hiller: QUESTION: I thought that we created the perception of value in the minds of the customers?
[12:20] DonP Pelous: the perception of value is what gives you great customer lifetime values
[12:21] DonP Pelous: that's long term value
[12:21] DonP Pelous: problem is that most firms focus only on produce sales, which is short term
[12:21] DonP Pelous: here's a question for you
[12:22] DonP Pelous: what do YOU think customers value most in a firm?
[12:22] Elzbiet Meili: I think education is what truly counts..
[12:22] DonP Pelous: why does a customer choose you?
[12:22] AaronHunt Xerox: perceived value, ease of doing business
[12:23] DonP Pelous: ok, but what if you're choosing between two firms with the same basic product and price?
[12:23] Joycie Hiller: Unique product offerings, delivered on time with back up.
[12:23] DonP Pelous: what makes your decision for you?
[12:23] Elzbiet Meili: customer service
[12:23] DonP Pelous: what is that, though?
[12:23] Alycia Freenote: it's till about value and perception
[12:23] Joycie Hiller: I agree with Alycia
[12:23] DonP Pelous: so what makes the perception, is what I'm asking
[12:23] Elzbiet Meili: being treated like a person instead of merely commission
[12:23] AaronHunt Xerox: and you may not know about customer service until something goes wrong
[12:24] Alycia Freenote: that's branding
[12:24] DonP Pelous: when you're treated like a person, what does that entail?
[12:24] Joycie Hiller: The perspective and POV of the customer.
[12:24] DonP Pelous: RIGHT
[12:24] DonP Pelous: I think taking the POV of the customer is important
[12:24] DonP Pelous: probably more important than almost anything else
[12:24] Joycie Hiller: It's MOST important
[12:24] Elzbiet Meili: well, a customer shouldn't feel like they're in the way
[12:24] AaronHunt Xerox: The customer isn't always thinking about your product though
[12:25] DonP Pelous: Two Canadian professors asked thousands of execs this question
[12:25] AaronHunt Xerox: they have more important things to think about, like their business
[12:25] DonP Pelous: why do customers choose you
[12:25] DonP Pelous: and answers in every industry are similar
[12:25] DonP Pelous: TRUST
[12:25] DonP Pelous: our customers choose us because they know us and trust us
[12:25] Joycie Hiller: Interesting.
[12:25] DonP Pelous: Aaron, you are so right
[12:25] Joycie Hiller: Have you read Stephen MR Covey's book “The Speed of Trust?”
[12:26] DonP Pelous: Customers could hardly care less about your product
[12:26] Cybergrrl Oh: the TRUST in YOU?
[12:26] DonP Pelous: I LOVE Covey's book, we cite it in ours several times
[12:26] DonP Pelous: Taking customer's POV means seeing things from their eyes
[12:27] DonP Pelous: Treat the customer the way you would like to be treated if you were the customer
[12:27] Cybergrrl Oh:QUESTION: So customers choose YOU and not your product? the TRUST is in YOU?
[12:27] DonP Pelous: THAT is the secret to creating trust
[12:27] Elzbiet Meili: depends on the product, I suppose.
[12:27] DonP Pelous: yes, IF we're dealing in a world of basically commoditized products
[12:27] DonP Pelous: which is what we have these days
[12:28] DonP Pelous: Very hard to have a unique and unduplicated product for very long
[12:28] Elzbiet Meili: true that
[12:28] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: So does this mean that we build OUR brands as the company/company owner and build that relationship with the customer?
[12:28] Cybergrrl Oh: build that trust?
[12:29] DonP Pelous: So one of our "Laws to Follow" is Earn and keep the trust of customers
[12:29] DonP Pelous: that sometimes means forgoing short term sales opps for long-term reasons
[12:29] Elzbiet Meili: Which again, is why i say education. People want to learn tricks and tips.. about how to avoid hassles, make things more convenient, etc.. and in some cases, things that help them become more self-sufficient
[12:29] Cybergrrl Oh: YES!
[12:29] DonP Pelous: and providing that info can be a big service to customers
[12:29] Alycia Freenote: QUESTION: what's an example of forgoing the short term Don?
[12:30] DonP Pelous: can go a long way to encouraging trust
[12:30] Aldon Huffhines: QUESTION: Where does the community fit in, e.g. I trust a person that trusts the brand?
[12:30] DonP Pelous: Anyone an Amazon customer here?
[12:30] Elzbiet Meili: occasionally
[12:30] Aldon Huffhines: Yup
[12:30] Alycia Freenote: yes
[12:30] DonP Pelous: Amazon has a policy - when you go to buy a book that you've already bought, they REMIND you that you already bought it
[12:30] DonP Pelous: case you forgot
[12:30] Cybergrrl Oh: Really? Great!
[12:31] Joycie Hiller: That's cool.
[12:31] DonP Pelous: if they just kept quiet, they'd sell another book right now
[12:31] Cybergrrl Oh: That's a trust builder - don't sell me something I already have and waste my money
[12:31] DonP Pelous: but instead, they'r3e banking on getting way way more business from you in the future
[12:31] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: Do you agree Amazon has done alot right? What have they done wrong?
[12:31] DonP Pelous: At Microsoft, when they sell SQL servers
[12:31] DonP Pelous: those sales come with coupons for free training
[12:32] DonP Pelous: but only about 20% of the coupons were redeemed a couple of years ago
[12:32] DonP Pelous: so they began REMINDING customers they had these free coupons
[12:32] DonP Pelous: no additional revenue for MS, just a service for customers
[12:32] DonP Pelous: in fact it cost MS money to do it
[12:33] DonP Pelous: SO these are examples of great trust building
[12:33] AaronHunt Xerox: but they were building customer relationships, the challenge is justifying that cost
[12:33] Elzbiet Meili: Many just want the piece of mind knowing you're there when they need you, even if they may never need you
[12:33] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What about Amazon - have they ever broke trust in a big way?
[12:33] Cybergrrl Oh: Or are they ...perfect?
[12:33] DonP Pelous: I don't know of an instance, but I don't think they're perfect
[12:34] Alycia Freenote: QUESTION: wouldn't you agree that that's relationship building Don?
[12:34] DonP Pelous: ever get a children's book suggested to you because you once bought a gift for your niece?
[12:34] DonP Pelous: and yes, this is relationship building
[12:34] DonP Pelous: :)
[12:34] Joycie Hiller: Don, that is very interesting. Yahoo broke my trust when they charged me $600 for clicks in 6 hours. They never got me back as a customer.
[12:34] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What do you think about social networks and "friending" in those forums as a way of building relationships with customers?
[12:34] Elzbiet Meili: my regards.. customers call!
[12:35] DonP Pelous: It's a good idea, if you do it right
[12:35] DonP Pelous: saw an article in NYT about WalMart's new blog policy
[12:35] DonP Pelous: REAL people at WalMart are doing the honest blogging
[12:36] DonP Pelous: Very cool, and WM doesn't edit these at all
[12:36] DonP Pelous: but it's easy to go wrong here too
[12:36] DonJuan Writer: I guess not wanting to lose ones job polices that
[12:36] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: But didn't WM really screw up with fake bloggers? Paid writers?
[12:36] DonP Pelous: research says only 1 out of about 8 "word of mouth" campaigns by companies succeed
[12:36] DonJuan Writer: the Walmart thing
[12:36] DonP Pelous: yes, they did originally
[12:37] DonP Pelous: that's why their new policy is cool
[12:37] DonJuan Writer: coooool
[12:37] Andy Evans: QUESTION: I wonder if WOM is more powerful in SL vs in RL
[12:37] DonJuan Writer: satan works in marketing
[12:38] DonP Pelous: I think WOM is most powerful online, for sure
[12:38] DonP Pelous: because the interactions with others are instant and numerous
[12:38] DonP Pelous: no friction
[12:38] DonP Pelous: but networks are unpredictable
[12:38] AaronHunt Xerox: not to mention, rather anonymous in some areas
[12:38] DonP Pelous: so VERY difficult to manage it effectively if you're a company
[12:38] Joycie Hiller: Yes, there is an immediacy to online interactions.
[12:39] DonP Pelous: anonymity is bad for a company
[12:39] Andy Evans: QUESTION: this might be an interesting area to study, difference in wom in sl vs rl
[12:39] DonP Pelous: you will ALWAYS be outed, sooner or later
[12:39] Joycie Hiller: What do you mean by that?
[12:39] AaronHunt Xerox: you can't post as a fake, someone will figure it out
[12:40] Joycie Hiller: Oh, that was about anonymity
[12:40] AaronHunt Xerox: it's a challenge though to read posts, most end up very negative no matter what the topic
[12:40] DonP Pelous: but which would you rather have?
[12:40] DonP Pelous: those posts going online somewhere else or on your own product web site?
[12:40] Joycie Hiller: It's the old adage: Bad news sells.
[12:41] DonP Pelous: LOTS of research now saying companies that are just open and above board are gaining the advantage
[12:41] Cybergrrl Oh: Bad news travels fast - esp. in cyberspace and the blogosphere
[12:41] Joycie Hiller: Unfortunately, it is too true
[12:41] DonP Pelous: remember when JetBlue melted down last year?
[12:42] DonP Pelous: JetBlue's best customers came to their rescue in the blogosphere
[12:42] Cybergrrl Oh: Really?
[12:42] DonP Pelous: right. Network news terrible stories
[12:42] DonP Pelous: but within a month, most frequent customers
[12:42] DonP Pelous: customers who DEPENDED on JB, were coming to their rescue
[12:42] DonP Pelous: online
[12:43] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What was the problem/trouble/bad news?
[12:43] DonP Pelous: the ice storm on Valentines Day 2007
[12:43] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What is and what ISN'T curable by good blogging from customers?
[12:43] DonP Pelous: 1000 flights cancelled
[12:43] DonP Pelous: other airlines also had problems
[12:43] DonP Pelous: but JB is based at JFK, which is where the storm hit
[12:44] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What is and what ISN'T curable by good blogging from customers?
[12:44] DonP Pelous: Aaron is right, you can't predict these things
[12:44] DonP Pelous: all you can do is prepare for them by building up the trust customers have in you
[12:44] Andy Evans: The problem was Jet Blue acted like they had never anticipated weather delays and stranded tens of thousands of customers...
[12:44] DonP Pelous: I think JB was at fault for not preparing.
[12:45] DonP Pelous: no question. but then they took responsibility
[12:45] DonP Pelous: began saying we're sorry, we screwed up, we know, but we'll be better
[12:45] Alycia Freenote: it's amazing how many companies DON't do that!
[12:45] DonP Pelous: right
[12:46] DonP Pelous: and the first people to the scene of a problem are almost always the PR hacks
[12:46] DonP Pelous: spin doesn't equal honesty
[12:46] AaronHunt Xerox: they'd rather spin the situation then admit a mistake
[12:46] AaronHunt Xerox: i can say that, I'm in marketing ;)
[12:46] DonP Pelous: 100% correct
[12:46] Alycia Freenote: and to your point Don, how can you build trust with customers without honesty?!
[12:47] DonP Pelous: you can't - that's the point
[12:47] DonP Pelous: doesn't mean you don't have competitive secrets
[12:47] DonP Pelous: but with customers, to extent possible, you're open and honest and straight
[12:47] DonP Pelous: USAA is a great example, too
[12:48] DonP Pelous: any USAA members here?
[12:48] DonP Pelous: USAA is an insurance company renowned for talking customers down from the higher amount policies they are ready to buy
[12:49] DonP Pelous: members swap stories about it
[12:49] DonP Pelous: Here's another benefit of trust
[12:49] DonP Pelous: it's inelastic
[12:49] DonP Pelous: no one every has "some" integrity
[12:50] DonP Pelous: so if you try to earn the trust of customers - if that's your mission - then you'll also earn trust of employees and stakeholders
[12:50] AaronHunt Xerox: a no upselling program must have taken some pretty heavy support from the C level
[12:50] AaronHunt Xerox: along with some non sales focus up the food chain...
[12:50] DonP Pelous: yes, it's in the corporate culture tho
[12:51] DonP Pelous: the rules and procedures don't cover it
[12:51] DonP Pelous: technology undermines hierarchy
[12:51] AaronHunt Xerox: that's a challenge no matter what size your company is
[12:51] AaronHunt Xerox: shareholder may not like you saying, I'm not going to sell as much, but my customers trust me more
[12:51] DonP Pelous: but if you do it right, you will have a company that has a lasting franchise
[12:52] DonP Pelous: In our last book, Return on Customer, the first chapter was An open Letter to Wall Street
[12:52] DonP Pelous: about that very thing
[12:52] Alycia Freenote: You said trust is inelastic...but no company is perfect...how do you balance credibility and the "humanness" of companies
[12:52] DonP Pelous: getting investors to buy into this idea for long term value
[12:52] DonP Pelous: I don't believe all this "manage by numbers" stuff is really working very well
[12:53] AaronHunt Xerox: that's challenge following the '90's buy and sell attitudes
[12:53] DonP Pelous: manage by PEOPLE is what you need
[12:53] DonP Pelous: and how, Aaron
[12:53] DonP Pelous: buy and flip
[12:53] AaronHunt Xerox: there is a lack of patience in companies
[12:53] DonP Pelous: yes, we call this jabbing at the elevator buttons
[12:54] AaronHunt Xerox: if it takes your stock price time to turn around, I'm going to lose faith in you
[12:54] Joycie Hiller: Don, you would be surprised just how much importance "metrics" has in Human Resources now.
[12:54] DonP Pelous: like when you're waiting for it to come and you just keep punching the button
[12:54] DonP Pelous: Joycie: the metrics I'm most interested in are those that incorporate long term value creation

[12:54] Andy Evans: QUESTION: I have a good name for this, "Trust Lag"
[12:54] Alycia Freenote: QUESTION: so what does a public company do to quite jabbing the elevator buttons?
[12:55] Joycie Hiller: No body is paying attention to that, b/c they are not paid on that
[12:55] Joycie Hiller: It's very sad.
[12:55] DonP Pelous: agree
[12:55] DonP Pelous: i've been to companies where the "mission" of the firm, posted on the wall
[12:55] DonP Pelous: is to do what's best for the customer, but
[12:55] DonP Pelous: what people spend their time on is making the numbers, no matter what
[12:56] DonP Pelous: that's what we call culture
[12:56] DonP Pelous: what your employees do when no one is watching
[12:56] Joycie Hiller: If we don't stop paying people that way, we will NEVER affect changes in behaviors
[12:56] DonP Pelous: the modern firm will benefit from having self-organizing employees
[12:56] DonP Pelous: it's not just the pay
[12:56] DonP Pelous: it's the intrinsic rewards
[12:57] DonP Pelous: how much in control of my own situation am i
[12:57] DonP Pelous: how supported am i?
[12:57] Joycie Hiller: Yes, it is the whole picture
[12:57] Alycia Freenote: That may be the ultimate example of company/brand trust - with the employees 24/7
[12:57] DonP Pelous: exactly
[12:57] DonP Pelous: another "Law to Follow" is to earn the trust of customers FIRST earn the trust of employees
[12:58] DonP Pelous: problem is fewer than half the employees in a typical company actually trust their employer
[12:58] Joycie Hiller: People look at their total compensation and benefit pkgs and factor in the non-financial
[12:58] AaronHunt Xerox: a constant challenge in a slowing economy...
[12:58] DonP Pelous: but now is the RIGHT time for this
[12:58] Joycie Hiller: When we wrote our book "How to Choose Your Next Employer" there was a whole chapter on the non-financial
[12:58] DonP Pelous: competing on a customer-by-customer basis is perfect for a down economy
[12:59] DonP Pelous: I'm going to get a copy of that book, J
[12:59] Alycia Freenote: QUESTION: Don, can you expand on that more?
[12:59] Joycie Hiller: I'll send you one!
[12:59] DonP Pelous: what i means is that even in the very worst economy you can imagine
[12:59] DonP Pelous: SOME customers are still buying
[13:00] AaronHunt Xerox: many still have to, just to run their businesses
[13:00] DonP Pelous: and some will be doing better than others, just you have to know who
[13:00] AaronHunt Xerox: their seems to be a shift in employees though to get back to your earlier statement
[13:00] AaronHunt Xerox: we're more connected
[13:00] DonP Pelous: more now than ever
[13:01] AaronHunt Xerox: right, IM, email, even internal blogs
[13:01] DonP Pelous: mobile, etc etc
[13:01] DonP Pelous: every month i see some new medium for interacting with consumers

[13:01] AaronHunt Xerox: the challenge is trying to find the right one and the right customers
[13:02] DonP Pelous: so right

[13:02] AaronHunt Xerox: the right one for your business that is
[13:02] DonP Pelous: agreed
[13:02] DonP Pelous: so customer insight is more valuable now than ever
[13:02] DonP Pelous: especially in a down economy
[13:02] Alycia Freenote: Don - I believe we're at about time...any closing thoughts?
[13:02] DonP Pelous: Hey, everyone was nice seeing al of you
[13:02] DonP Pelous: sorry about my L key
[13:03] DonP Pelous: but if you enjoyed the discussion, you might like our book
[13:03] AaronHunt Xerox: do you have follow up or contact information for us
[13:03] DonP Pelous: you can email me directly at
[13:03] AaronHunt Xerox: website...blog...i know you must
[13:03] DonP Pelous: dpeppers@1to1.com
[13:03] DonP Pelous: or our web site www.1to1.com
[13:03] DonP Pelous: and blog there, too
[13:04] DonP Pelous: ciao!
[13:04] AaronHunt Xerox: thanks, bye everyone
[13:04] Sloan Skjellerup: bye thank you
[13:04] Alycia Freenote: Thanks Don for speaking today!
[13:04] Andy Evans: thanks!
[13:04] DonP Pelous: my pleasure
[13:04] Gina Glimmer: ty!
[13:04] Alycia Freenote: And thanks for coming out everyone!
[13:05] Natalina DeVinna: thank you Don... I hope to hear more about your book.. bye everyone ;)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Get Your Free Market Research Here!

If you are interested in learning the habits and interests of Second Life residents, go here and submit 2 questions to a seasoned SL marketer who will present answers to our questions at the April 7th Monday 12pm SLT meeting of Second Life Marketers Club.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Peppers & Rogers speak March 10 on Athena Isle, Second Life

from the press release: Acclaimed business gurus Don Peppers and Martha Rogers will appear live and lead a text chat discussion in Second Life on Monday, Mar. 10 at 3pm EST, 1 PM PST. Audience members can participate by setting up a free Second Life account at http://www.secondlife.com then going to http://slurl.com/secondlife/Second%20Shores/51/50/23.

Recognized for more than a decade as world-renowned experts, entrepreneurs and thought leaders Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D. continue to set the standard in customer relatinoships. This is their first time in Second Life.

The event will be hosted by the Second Life Marketers Club and take place on Athena Isle owned by Second Life personality Cybergrrl Oh. The discussion will be conducted in a roundtable format to allow Peppers and Rogers to answer questions posed directly by Second Life residents in attendance.

Peppers and Rogers have co-authored seven best-selling books to date, focused on customer strategy, building the value of the customer, and related subjects. These include "The One to One Future" and their latest "Laws to Break & Rules to Follow."

For more information, contact Cybergrrl Oh at cybergrrloh@gmail.com or visit Peppers and Rogers web site for their new book at http://rulesandlaws.com.

Athena Isle is host to affinity groups including Second Life Writers Club, Second Life Entrepreneurs Club, Second Life Marketers Club, Second Life Women's Club, and Moms in Second Life. Host Cybergrrl Oh brings authors and experts into Second Life for presentations and discussions. SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Second%20Shores/51/50/23